Coming in our Weakness - 2 Kings 5:5-8
May 2, 2024, 8:00 AM

Click here to read:   2 Kings 5:5-8

There are three ingredients of one’s character that hinders the way of God: Power, Pride and Prosperity. Jesus said it was harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter into heaven.

That is unbelievable! We admire the rich young rulers. We not only admire them, but seek to be like them. They are the goal of success in this life, but after all is said and done all of works of mankind mean nothing to the Lord.

Naaman prepared to go to Israel after his slave girl told him of a prophet who God used in miraculous ways. When you are in need, you will try anything. He sought money, position, and power to persuade this country’s prophet how important it was to give him special treatment.

People with money expect and even demand special treatment. Those who ride first class expect the best treatment that money can buy. Money and power are man’s methods to get things done.

When you see how much he collected to be healed it is an awesome amount. Naaman brought with him 10 talents of silver and 6,000 pieces of gold. This relates to tens of thousands of dollars. In addition, he brought gifts of ten changes of hand woven garments, of the finest quality.

Naaman went directly to the king of Israel. It is phrased in a very polite way, but the message is also clear that the powerful king of Aram is demanding something of a nation that militarily isn’t as strong.

The King of Israel is threatened, thinking this is a ploy for an invasion if this general is not healed. He admits that he is not a god who can heal incurable diseases. He tears his clothes as a public sign of anguish and concern. The word is spread around the country. Elisha heard about this public display and sends the message to have Naaman come to him so he will know that there is a prophet of the true God in Israel.

Money and status mean nothing to the man of God. In fact, Elisha never even came out to greet this rich powerful commander of armies. He only sent him a word through his servant when he showed up. It was to was wash seven times in the Jordan river. How humiliating!

God has a plan of salvation for all men, no matter who they are or what they believe. We are to simply believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to save us, No works or money can make us spiritually clean and sin free. It is by grace through faith in the one and true prophet of God, Jesus Christ. It is by believing in His works on the cross that saves us.

Application:    If you have no money, no power, no political influence, and no status of importance, take heart! That is not important to the Lord. We all need healing. We receive spiritual healing the same way - by faith in the works of God and acting upon that.

This is the best of news because it points us to the works of God.

Prayer:   Lord, may I always seek to point people to You and Your resurrection power at work within us by Your Holy Spirit.