A Good Student Demonstrates Perseverance. - II Kings 2:1-6
March 12, 2024, 11:00 AM

CLick here to read:  II Kings 2:1-6

Elisha was a student for eight years and also a servant under Elijah. When the call of God came upon his life, he left it all to follow God's will. There is a time when what seemed exciting to do is no longer fun. Especially in the ministry persistence and perseverance are important qualities to be effective.

Living out the Christian life in a church setting for years is an illustration of the perseverance of the believer. So many new converts quit. They drop out of church and their faith is no longer important to them.

If a couples’ child dies, does their faith carry them through or is it based only on happy results to prayer requests? When financial struggles come or marital difficulties arise, perseverance is a characteristic developed when one matures in the Lord.

The gospel is a life-long proclamation, not a half-hour message. Part of Elisha's training was to be patient and persistent. Each time Elijah instructed Elisha to stay in the town, Elisha was not to be dissuaded. He was persistent in following Elijah to the end. He was persistent in his learning, in his loving and in his service, even through difficulty, inconvenience, and grief.

A Moravian missionary named George Smith when to Africa. He had been there only a short time and had only one convert, a poor woman when he was driven from the country. He died shortly afterward on his knees, praying for Africa. He considered himself a failure.

years later his mission counted more than 13,000 living converts who had sprung from the ministry of George Smith and the way God used that poor woman who had turned her life over to the Lord. It is not important what we accomplish with our life, as it is that we be faithful to God and persistent in what we know His will to be.

Part of persistence is obedience to what you believe is God's will and your is task not to quit.

Elisha stayed with Elijah since he was called to be a servant and a student. He knew the Lord was going to take his master from him. He knew, as did all these sons of the prophets - (seminary students) that Elijah’s work in the world was done. God had picked Elisha to carry on His mission. Elisha was willing to obey and persistent in the tasks before him.

One doesn’t have to be preparing for full time Christian service. I have been ministered to best by the commitment laymen and women in my churches who love the Lord and used their gifts year after year. It is a witness to our community. It is not always fun or easy, but it is godly to be persistent in doing His will whether we feel like it or not.

Application: Don’t quit when things are hard. Keep trusting while you fulfill your responsibilities.

Prayer:   Lord, You desire perseverance, faithfulness and persistence in our walk with You. Guide me in that path and keep me faithful in the day to day things You have called me to.