A Living Example in Love - 1 Peter 4: 8,9
July 26, 2023, 9:00 AM

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”

Many sermons have been preached on love. The emphasis of Peter is deep love. Be deeply and seriously committed to the Lord and to one another for it has many benefits as well as it models for us Jesus Christ.

A well-known TV personality was a handsome man and had a glamorous wife. After a while his wife had fallen for another man. He was heartbroken but the husband was quoted as saying "I will always be her friend. She's a great lady and can call on me for help anytime. I telephone her now and then to find out how she's doing and to keep her spirits high. We end every call by saying 'I love you.'"

On the surface, that might look like a mature response in a difficult situation, but it is an example of the kind of love that lacks the most essential elements: faithfulness and commitment.

Many Christians try to maintain that kind of relationship with the Lord, but God does not value expressions of love that only sounds good. Jesus said to His disciples if they love Him, they must keep His commandments. Empty words are not enough. Nor are empty words enough in our love relationships with brothers and sister in the Lord. The passage says deeply love - desire to commit yourself to the others for their best good.

I often think at the time of child dedication, where will this baby be years from now. Will mom and dad truly raise their baby in the faith and teach them of Jesus? Unless the Lord works, all the parent’s efforts are in vain. You can read everything on child rearing and closely supervise all their activities, but still miss the target.

By your example you show your children the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Have you, by personal commitment, offered your children to Him and pray regularly for them? Be clear-minded and sober so your prayers will not be hindered.

We can demonstrate a deep love. This verse is applicable for good parenting advice, but it is also written for all Christians toward one another. We love, encourage, and build up one another, like our children, with words, acceptance, listening, and making them feel you really do care because you do. Even when you make all kinds of mistakes, and you will, they can be overlooked, if you really have the person’s best interest in mind. You will commit sins as parents, but a deep love will overshadow those sins and mistakes.

Forgiveness is related to love. Real love forgives and forgives again. It is true that love covers over a multitude of sins. God's love allows me to come to him for forivenss.  The gift, the giver, and the receiver are all part of the love equation.

Application:   Do you really want God to do something in the lives of those around you - family and friends?  Then pray for them, obey, and trust the Lord.

