Advance Worship Habakkuk 3:1,2
September 11, 2023, 8:20 AM

1. A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet. On shigionoth. 2 Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.”  

Many times, I visited people about to face surgery and prayed with them. Often the doctor informs them exactly what he is going to do. He makes sure the patients are aware of the risks and what recovery might be like. Sometimes they are informed there will be pain and difficult therapy following. He assures them the results will be worth it in the long run.   

One wonders if the cure will be worse than the disease or problem? The prognosis of the untreated situation can cause death or worse suffering. With that information most people put their faith in the doctor and procedure to do whatever it takes to cure or improve.  

Habakkuk has an unusual position communicating with God over the sins of Judah. He is upset that the Lord hasn’t done anything to bring revival to an erring and sinful people. The Lord has been silent. Then by His grace, He answers Habakkuk and informs him of the plan.  

As we have looked at the previous two chapters, Habakkuk was more confused because the cure seems far worse than the problem. God was going to take the worst nation and have them invade, capture, inflict punishment and kill the people. The prophets were called to warn the people that they might repent, but they don’t listen.   

Habakkuk complains again with confusion and doubt. The Lord reveals Babylon will be paid back and more for their sin and their harm against His people. They will suffer ultimate defeat and God will keep His promise. His nation will rise again stronger and with spiritual zeal.  

Will it be worth it?   

By a step of faith, Habakkuk submits his spirit to the Lord’s will. Like Jesus in the garden before His crucifixion, he is saying in effect, “Thy will be done.” God promises after capture and defeat to then save His people, punish evildoers, and bless the faithful. Justice and revenge will take place. Do you believe? Will you trust in His wisdom?  

In this chapter as a prayer and song (some guess that is the reference to "On shigionoth."), Habakkuk then worships the Lord. He knows the history where God redeemed His people and kept His promises regardless of what troubles had to be faced. He asks God to repeat His wonders again and let all see His glory and give Him praise. He also asked that in the wrath to come, may the mercy of God be also given and celebrated.  

Application:  How can you face the future of God’s wrath and His salvation and promise of glory? What would your prayer and song sound like?   

Prayer:   Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."  Come, heal our land.