Contributing Factors to Depression Continued - 1 Kings 19:9,10
February 21, 2024, 8:00 AM

9. There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the LORD came to him: "What are you doing here, Elijah?" 10. He replied, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."

Yesterday we explored three contributing factors to Elijah’s depression: unfulfilled expectations, emotional stress, and physical exhaustion. Today I want to address two more thoughts.

Social isolation contributes to depression. Elijah was basically a loner, apart for the time at the widow’s house, he spent 3 ½ years in hiding by a brook. Elijah admitted to feeling all alone.

One of the most important psychological needs we have is to love and be loved. There are many people that nobody loves or cares about. There is no companionship to share their joys and sorrows. I am not talking about those who are single instead of married, but friendships that are healthy have mutual support and accountability. To have a friend, one must be a friend.

I have urged pastors to join a small group with whom they can pray, share, dream, and support one another. Being vulnerable can be risky, especially with men. We need others with whom we can share a burden, who accept and listen to us. It is important for us to feel that way toward another.

When you are depressed, it is easy to think no one understands or cares what you are going through. That heightens the sad feelings.

The fifth contributing factor to Elijah’s depression was a spiritual one. That seems surprising since Elijah was on a spiritual high, but realize God uses weak people. When Elijah’s fears got bigger than his God, he ran. Success can make us vulnerable against Satan’s attacks. There are too many incidents of Christians who experience notoriety, only to fall into temptations of various sorts.

Elijah was not where the Lord wanted him to be. He took off on his own out of his own feelings instead of seeking the Lord’s direction for his new day. If God seems far away who moved?

Many discouraged Christians get caught up in the ideal of what a Christian should be. Honesty reveals our shortcomings. As much as we try not to sin, we do. As much as we want to focus on the Lord, we don’t. Our works haunt in ways we can feel hypocritical. Instead of living by faith and in the freedom of grace, we fall into the performance of what others expect of us. Sin will always bring us down. So where do we go but to the Lord? Refocus on the Lord and do daily battle. It is truth that stands against the lies we tell ourselves.

Self-examination: How is your relationship with others? Is it pure? Holy? Important to you?  How is your relationship with the Lord? Are there things that get in the way of maturing in your spiritual growth and love for Him above all else?

Prayer:   Lord, increase my faith, deepen my faith. Keep my eyes on You. Help me to place all my relationships in Your hands of love.