Establishing His Kingdom. - Isa. 9:7,8.
December 28, 2023, 8:31 AM

Christ Establishes His Kingdom

Isaiah 9:7,8

“Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore

Jesus knew there would be new teaching as to what establishing this kingdom was about. The shadows of the Old Testament story were more clearly revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. History showed establishing the reign started with a people of God. The throne was established, the prophets were established, and the plan was laid down until the coming of Jesus. Now began the plain teaching, a new understanding.

All other kingdoms are established for a time. We have experienced the establishment of our nation 247 years ago when the forefathers set up a constitution whereby the laws of our land were to be followed. The establishment was making the plan work. The election of a president, the congressmen, the legislators, the supreme court and judicial system. Putting that in place was establishing a new nation.

Christ’s kingdom is not established by the power of guns and our wisdom, but all points to Jesus and through His power of love, forgiveness, and peace that changes lives. It was John the Baptizer that first said, “The kingdom of God is at hand” and then Jesus Christ came on the scene. “The Kingdom of God is among you” he told the religious leaders.

It further established His rulership at Golgotha. Pilate correctly identified Him, “Behold your King” he said. What was it that they saw as they looked upon the King? It was a crown and a robe, but not of gold or fine raiment. The crown was of thorns. W they saw His face bruised and swollen after being hit. He wore a bloody, purple cloak placed by Herod in mockery. He was spit upon and sworn at.

Establishing His Kingdom demanded a cross. He had the power to call His angels down but followed the path to the throne by suffering and dying to establish His kingdom for us. It was part of the war waged against Satan, the father of sin and death.

But that third day there was a rumbling earthquake and the stone was rolled away. Jesus came forth resurrection from the dead in a garment of white and established His kingship over death itself.

“Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” Imagine Napoleon saying that when he crushed the nations beneath his feet or can you imagine Alexander saying that when he established his rule. Jesus made himself a servant. Jesus put on the peasant garment, identified with the poor, the sick and the fallen, with no wealthy or worldly rank, nor honor among men, and yet He speaks of having overcome the world.

He is not done, you know. He is preparing this place for us. He is coming again, this time with a sword. Time of negotiations are over.

Matt 25:31,32. “When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be together before him and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”

His kingdom will be revealed in a glorious way at His coming. We don’t know when that will be. All we can say is that we have to be ready by being faithful to Him, being His witnesses, obeying Him, and serving Him.

There is no better place for the kingdom to be established than the rule in your own heart.