God desires a HUMBLED HEART - 1 Kings 19: 21
March 1, 2024, 9:38 AM

“So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant.”

We need to understand that when Elisha said yes to the call of God he did so leaving not only wealth, but responsibility as a son of a master. He was a boss and now would become a servant to assist Elijah. He was not only a learner, but in this role he would do the servant’s tasks. That is a humbling position. He was willing even to do lowly things and dirty tasks, but in so doing them, learning and watching and being taught by the senior prophet.

Jesus took the towel and bowl as He washed the feet of His disciples. Paul was still a tentmaker, and a prisoner, doing menial tasks. Being in God's service not means always being respected or honored, or exalted.

It is exciting to have a ministry linking people to God, teaching eternal values and seeing lives changed by the Lord. It is significant to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and be considered worthy to do so. It is fun to watch Christians grow in their faith and begin to love the Lord and desire to know more of His Word. It is especially gratifying to see people become reproducers themselves for God's kingdom.

Billy Graham was having a question and answer session at seminary with a student. One young man was tired of Greek and Hebrew and theology and more eager to get into the ministry, Ask, "Dr. Graham, If you were my age, with the world in the shape it is in, would you still spend several years just in training?"

He answered, "Young man, I cannot think of a better use for your time right now than developing the gifts God has given you. If you were told to go into the wood to cut down trees and were given an ax that was made of good steel but was dull, the time spent to sharpen the ax would not be considered wasted. Stay in school and sharpen your ax."

Elijah taught Elisha for some eight years. Paul took fourteen years out before preaching. Timothy and Titus learned from Paul for several years. The disciples at least had three years of seminary training under Rabbi Jesus. There is a time for learning, and a time for serving, a time for teaching and a time to do them all. One's gifts often seem to be in a process of developing just like our character. We have never succeeded but we should be teaching and helping other in developing like Elijah. We should be seeking to improve our learning just like Elisha.

Application: The call of God requires a prepared heart, a willing heart, a separated heart, and a humbled heart. May God find that our hearts are in this condition so we can say, ‘Here am I send and use me.’

Prayer:  Lord, I seek You in Your Word. Through Your Word prepare my heart to be fertile soil to cause the seed to sprout, grow and produce fruit for You.