God Gives Perspective – Ecclesiastes 3:3-4
January 18, 2023, 9:00 AM

3-4 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven... a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance …”

We see God’s sovereignty in the presentation of life. His plans include not only blessings, but His presence and power even when His perfect plan was marred by sin. Life resulted in death. Plants are born to be harvested and we benefit with food and products in the harvest. When we see the presentation of life as Solomon sees it there are contrasts.

There is a time to kill and a time to heal. Perhaps this has aspect of war in mind or perhaps Solomon was referring to is disease and plagues when some die and some live.

I think of the shepherd who tenderly cares for the lamb and sheep. He brings it to maturity, keeping it healthy. When it is just the right size, he takes it to the market or butchers it for meat for family and guests.

Sometimes in churches there is a time for removing the cancer, sin, and disease by cutting off members who are not living for God or who cause disruptions to the fellowship and ministry. There are also times for reconciliation, revival, healing, and forgiving.

There are times for tearing down and for building up. In our changing age, there are times to do away with the old and bring in the new. There may be things in our own lives that need to be thrown out and other things need to be planted and allowed to grow.

Not only do we experience the joys and sorrows of this world as part of the plan of God, He is to be in the center of our lives regardless of what is happening on the outside.

There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. Life has mixture of pain and sorrow along with pleasure and excitement.

I often think of the phrase, “This too shall pass.” When hard times come upon us take comfort that circumstances change and this too shall pass. The same is true for happy times. They also are for a season.

There are times of mourning and times of dancing, times of grief and sorrow and emotional pain. The times of dancing and celebration are those times in our lives when we express our joyful emotions, but just like the joy of birth there comes the sadness of death. God is the one constant in our inconsistent world.

In Romans 12:15 Paul instructed, “15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep”. Our burdens are lighter and joys more joyous when they are shared. Words of sympathy and notes of encouragement mean much.

Application: Does someone come to your mind who can use encouragement?

Prayer:  Lord, today I pray for those who are experiencing sorrow due to circumstances, illness or the loss of a love one. Bring to my mind today those I am to specifically pray for.