God’s Care in our Anxieties - 1 Peter 5: 7
August 16, 2023, 9:07 AM

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

When circumstances are difficult, it is easy for us to be anxious and worried. We live in an anxious world. What causes anxieties? Certainly, our unsettled world problems, but on a more personal level, finances, job security, family relationships, peer relationships, and responsibilities results more in anxiety instead of success. What an ego-centric list! Anxiety rises over; what people might say or not say, over job evaluation, whether people like us or don't like us. Are you ever anxious over the things of the Lord?

People have told me God got their attention during their time of illness, divorce, financial ruin, fires, or car accidents. I guess He has been speaking all along, but we are too anxious over things we desired instead of resting in who He is.

What is His power in this struggle? HE CARES FOR YOU. That is the truth that sustains people in their troubles. You need the continual reminder that God really does love you. You are loved by the Creator of the universe. You are on the mind of God. If you turn over these areas of your life, He will bring about what is best for you. It might not be money, or fame, or power, or houses, clothes and job, but it will be far better. The caring concern of God will sustains you.

Corrie ten Boom shared took her purse and started to take her cares out one by one. She identified the pills, bills, problems conflicts, she named them has she took the items out. Out came billfold, flashlight, and more odd and comical things than you would ever dream could come out of a woman's purse. Each article was a care. She started to think about them. She began to worry about the bills. She picked her billfold up from the table and put it back in her purse, and one by one she picked up each care and put it back in her purse. At the end of the illustration her purse was again bulging and she was loaded down as she had been before she began. We give our burdens to the Lord and pick them up again.

Warren Wiersbe said God shows His love and care for us when we give our cares to Him. He performs four wonderful ministries on our behalf.

1. He gives us the courage to face our cares honestly and not run away (Ish. 41:10)

2. He give us the wisdom to understand the situation (James 1:5)

3. He give us the strength to do what we musts do (Phil. 4:13)

4. He gives us the faith to trust Him to do the rest (Ps. 37:5).

In the midst of the humbling process, we are also to learn to cast all our cares and anxieties and worries on Him for He cares for us.

Application: Today as you think of your many concerns, replace your concern or worry with prayer.

Prayer:  Lord, help me to remember that You love me deeply and care for me.