Guilty Responses to Tragedy - 1 Kings 17:18
January 24, 2024, 9:00 AM

“She said to Elijah, "What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?" “

As part of emotional responses to tragedies many feel guilty. Many will replay in their minds following a death of a loved one, “I should not have said this” “I should have been a better mother (father, wife, husband)” “Maybe things would have been different if only I….”

People often ask, “Why?” “What did I do to deserve this? “Is there some sin in my life that caused this to happen?” We like to see the cause and effect of things, even if it is beyond our understanding.

The widow immediately thought of her sin when her son died. She felt as if God was punishing her for something she had done in the past.  This showed there was a hidden sin that she had not dealt with. It is unconfessed and needed to be handled with the Lord.

Then crisis comes people often re-evaluate their lives and start prioritizing their commitments. Sometimes it prompts changes in behavior or even accepting Christ to be their savior. Sometimes they hang on to things in the past that they cannot let go of because they can forgive others but cannot forgive themselves. Satan is a master at making us feel unforgiven.

If you are plagued with guilt over past sin, confess it and repent of it. Don’t carry around that burden. I John 1:9 “ we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Unresolved guilt can get in the way of spiritual growth or can affect your relationship at home and with others.

If you have brought your sin to Christ, then God has forgiven you. There is no need to keep reminding yourself of it. He removes it as far as the east is from the west, that is what the Bible says. That is the reason Christ died. His blood cleanses you from all unrighteousness.

False guilt is carrying that feeling that we have been responsible for something when we haven’t been. Some feel guilty that they are alive after a tragedy while others have died. False guilt is the guilting that individuals place on themselves for their regrets, failures to live up to the expectations of themselves or others. Talking about your past may be a good way to begin the healing process and to realize that you are not at fault.

We say we cannot change the past, but God can. We might not be able to change the circumstances, but God takes our past sins (real or imagined) and by the works of Jesus takes our burdens upon Himself. Jesus removes them from us.

Application:  Do what you can do and leave the rest up to a merciful God who is full of compassion and ready to forgive. If the person we have offended has died, it is helpful to give that to the Lord who works even in our unseen world.

Prayer:  O Lord, how I love You and thank You for Your amazing Grace that not only cleanses me and purifies me, but gives me access to Your throne room full of Grace and Mercy.