Handling Debt by Work - 2 Kings 4:7
April 5, 2024, 9:12 AM

She went and told the man of God, and he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left."

We see the different ways the Lord provided for this widow and her sons, including a miracle. God used Elisha as the spokesman of the Lord to give her practical encouragement, then God provided the oil and she filled all the jars borrowed or given to her. Just like the manna from heaven during the exodus, when the Israelites obeyed, gathered, and worked in different ways to put it on their table, the widow followed God’s instructions. Responsibility accompanies God’s provision. God created us for work. We take what God gives and apply it to use.

Addressing debt does involve an evaluation of assets and maybe downsizing by selling things to meet our immediate needs. Too often we want to hang on to things we really do not need, but God also gives abilities and talents that can be used to work in areas we may not have thought of before. As difficult as it is to be out of work, there are some valuable lessons learned during times of waiting, praying, and trusting. We see the kindness of others. We learn priorities in our lives. It is used as a tool for humility as well as yielding to the Lord and His plan. There are times when answers to questions come and times we are left without clear answers or understanding other than, there is a God who loves us and is with us in all circumstances.

The widow and her sons were instructed not only to work in finding the jars and filling the jars, but going out and selling the product. They needed to work with the resources provided. Oil was given to her in a miraculous manner, but not without faith and obedience, responsibility, and work.

With the economy being so unsettled and unemployment high, naturally, many would rather find work to help pay their debts than borrow or ask for gifts.

Some people are not entrepreneurs. Others, by prayer and creativity find ways to become self-employed. When things were tight in my family, my mother took in sewing, washing, and ironing to buy a car.

Application: What interests, gifts, and talents has the Lord given to you? Are your ready to humble yourself, turn to God, and seek His will about all things? Are you willing to trust and obey? Are you willing to show kindness to others and be merciful to them?

There are times when our faith is tested. The desire is to develop character. Something that no one can take away from us is a deeper, personal relationship with the Lord formed from adversity.

The Apostle Paul said it well in Philippians 4:12-13 “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Prayer: Lord, my prayer is very simplistic today, help me to take what You have given