Harmony in the Home – Involves Trust - 1 Peter 3:5,6
June 16, 2023, 9:49 AM

5. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, 6. like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

This is an unusual and offensive passage in our Western culture. We already mentioned the context of this passage is the principle laid down in the previous chapter. Peter was instructing his readers who were going through persecution to follow the example of Jesus. In trusting Him as Savior and Lord you are submitting yourself to the authority of God and His Word. He says follow Christ.

The hardest place to follow Jesus is in the home. In the same way Jesus faced hardships, so follow His example even in your home. Sometimes you will suffer wrongly, sometimes you will wonder if it is worth it. In the society that treated wives poorly, Peter wanted to encourage wives to look to Christ.

What did Jesus do when negatively attacked? How did Jesus respond in situations of false judgment? He looked beyond the immediate situation to the ultimate plan of His Father who is in heaven. Notice His hope was in God. He trusted in Him who was in charge.

The beauty that pleases God is the inward nature and spiritual beauty. That is far greater than how we look on the outside. Peter used Sarah as an example. Sarah’s beauty was talked about generations after her death.

It was Abraham living in the fine town and city of Ur, when he heard the call of God to move and go to the Promised Land. Sarah, with all the wealth and finery, went with him. She obeyed. When Abraham was in the will of God, she submitted to God’s call on her husband’s life and saw that as her responsibility to follow. In following Abraham’s faith commitment, she was being obedient to what and where God was calling her. She called Abraham her master and Lord. There was no power struggle with her.

Too often power struggles have spiritual issues at the core. Are we trusting and obeying the Lord as revealed in the Scriptures or our wants and ways? The last phrase of verse 6, “do what is right and do not give way to fear” is the principle of trusting God for outcomes over which you have no control.

Application:  Do what is right is our part and do not fear for God is ultimately in charge. When we do what is right, we need not be afraid.

Prayer: Lord, like Sarah, I want to be obedient to what and where You are calling me.