Mighty God is Evidenced in Christ’s Attributes - Isaiah 9:6
December 6, 2023, 8:50 AM

“And he shall be called…mighty GOD…”

When Moses asked the voice from the burning bush whom shall he say sent him to the Israelites, God says to say that “I AM sent you”. The one who exists and continues to exist. This phrase explains the controversy caused by Jesus when He said in John 8:58 “Very truly I tell you,” before Abraham was born, I am!” He identifies Himself as the eternal one.

In our passage there are the two words used. “A child shall be born and he shall be called EL = GOD. ”The first cause of all things, the sustainer and up holder of all things. And “He shall be called SHADDI = MIGHTY.” - the source of the power that breaks forth, breaks through, and causes victories (The overcomer of all things).

Two men served in the army, one as a general and the other a colonel. They were professed infidels, not believing in God at all. On a train ride, their conversation moved to the person of Jesus. The General suggested someone ought to write a book about the real Jesus, not the myths people believe. The Colonel challenged him to do so.

General Lew Wallace took up the challenge and began careful research on the life of Christ intending to prove that Jesus was only a man. The book was finally written and published. Its subtitle was “A Tale of Christ” It became a best seller and over 2 million copies have been sold. The name of the book and the movie which followed is Ben Hur. The colonel who challenged him to write the book was Colonel Robert Ingersoll, America’s famous agnostic. While preparing the book, General Wallace became a sincere believer in the divinity of Christ based on his research.

Jesus demonstrated divine attributes as ever present, such as seeing Nathanel under the tree before they arrived there. He promised “whenever two or three of you come together in my name there I am with you.” Before He left the earth He claimed “I am with you always even unto the end of the World.” Matthew 28:2.

  • Christ is spoken of as being the Creator in Hebrews 1:8 and I Corinthians 8:6
  • We see Jesus’ eternal nature in Colossians 1:1 and Revelations 21:6
  • Jesus is Omniscient – knows all things - John 16:30
  • Jesus is Omnipotent – head of everything - Matthew 28:18 & Eph 1:22-23

He was worshiped. He was sinless. He was holy. He manifested attributes that only the Lord God can possess.

Jesus is able to control all the force and elements of natures, able to restrain the influences and movements of society, able to turn the hearts of men at His pleasure and overthrow their counsel and works. He is able to heal the hearts of sorrow, fill the troubled with gladness. He is able to cleanse the most corrupt and helpless soul.

He is Mighty God!

Application: Meditate on passages noted above and worship God today for who He is.  Like Mary, ponder this! 

Almighty God, You are King, Creator & Sustainer. You know all things and are head over all creation. Reign in my life.