Reflections on Suicide - 1 Cor. 10:13
November 7, 2023, 8:16 AM

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

“If someone commits suicide, will they go to heaven or hell?” Sometimes it is asked by someone who is contemplating suicide and the only thing that keeps them from it is the fear of going to hell.

Heaven is reserved for all those who have placed their trust and faith in Christ to save them. I know that some are who are not thinking straight when they commit suicide, Some are struggling with mental illness. Many are focused on difficult circumstances that surround them instead of focusing on Christ who will bring them through shadowy and despondent times.

My brother-in-law was an assistant pastor of a Baptist Church in Michigan. He was especially close to the pastor he worked under. That man had a great influence on him in many ways and taught him much about soul winning and being a pastor. In his later years his wife died. The pastor went into depression and despondency that resulted in his taking is own life. It devastated many within churches he served so faithfully. They asked, “How could a man of God who was well used by the Spirit of the Lord do something like that? “

We see incidents in the Bible when men of God are feeling so low, they want to die. The thought of living with such mental, spiritual, or emotional anguish is so oppressive the only solution they conclude is to end their lives. Job felt that way, Elijah felt that way, David felt that way, so we are in good company when we feel so low, we wonder if it is worth living. However, all of these people placed their final decision in God’s hand and in every incident their circumstances got better.

I have talked to several people who were suicidal. In each incident I tried to help them see that they are seeking to take a long- term solution to a short-term problem. In every incident life did get better and indeed God was working and blessings came to them they would not have imagined.

If you, or others you know, are struggling with thoughts of suicide be assured that Satan is doing what he can to destroy a life. Such thoughts are not from God. If a person is a child of God, he is going to heaven, but not in the will or blessing of God. It is sin.

People talk about dying with dignity as if it is our right. Life and death are reserved for God. To put it into our hands is usurping His authority. Those who contemplate suicide need to understand that death is not the end, but a doorway to an eternal existence. As believers, understanding God’s plan is always the best. Whatever the circumstance or situation, others have gone through it. Christ has given to us the resources to escape temptation that we may be able to endure it. I Cor 10:13.

Seek help if you are going through despair. Recognize the pain and grief if you have a loved one who has taken their life. There is help available.

Application:   Cling to God’s Word in all situations.  Cry out to him when you are in need.   

Prayer: Lord, help me to daily surrender all my needs to you and give me the wisdom to reach out to anyone who is struggling with depression!