Success for the New Year - Josh. 1:1-9.
January 1, 2024, 8:08 AM

Success for the New Year

Joshua 1:1-9

vs 9. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

I was new in the church ministry when I memorized this passage. God’s message to Joshua to have success for the new journey was to follow the Lord and meditate daily on His truth. Seeking success usually means to accomplish one’s goals or fulfill one’s goals or dreams. For someone in the business world success might be achieving a profitable year. For a fisherman it is catching a trophy fish. For an athlete is could be making the team or winning a trophy.

Joel B. Santos talked about a man who hired an experienced guide to lead him on a hike in the Swiss Alps. He wanted a successful and exhilarating experience. After many hours they came to a high and remote mountain pass which was almost washed out. To his left was sheer rock cliff. To his right a precipice that dropped nearly 1,000 ft. Looking down he felt his head growing faint and his knees beginning to buckle. At that moment his guide shouted, "Do not look down or you are a dead man! Keep eyes on me, and where I put my feet put yours as well.” The man did as he was instructed and soon he passed from danger to safety

No one knows what lies ahead for any of us in the new year. We all have plans and dreams of various proportions but the times and seasons of life are in God’s hands. Sooner or later we all come to the dangerous path that lies ahead and seems to be washed out. At that point we can panic and fall into terrible trouble or we our eyes on the Lord Jesus and follow carefully in His steps before us. If we follow Him, we will find at the end of the year that we have been kept safe by His amazing grace.

Joshua was chosen to lead the Israelites into the promised land. He knew the task was beyond his ability. He was nothing compared to the great and wise Moses. God had a plan for Moses, but it took persuasion on God part to draft him, unwillingly, to lead the people from slavery to freedom. When they were to cross the Jordan, Moses appointed twelve men to spy out the land. Joshua was one of these men. They saw wonderful land of milk and honey, but then ten spies gave discouraging reports. The enemy were like giants. Their armies were too great. There was no way that the people of Israel would be strong enough to defeat them.

Joshua and Caleb said such a report was a bunch of nonsense. If they trusted God. moved forward, and took the land as they were instructed, they would be victorious.

The people listened to the doubters. The majority rules. Joshua looked to the Lord and sought to journey by faith and truth. Because of their lack of faith and courage and obedience, the people of Israel were left to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Now that task of leadership would fall on the shoulders of Joshua. That was no easy task.

God has a path for this year in 2024. Many people will be used in different ways by God. Don’t compare yourself to others. Seek to follow the Lord who gives who gives you talents, gifts, and dreams. May these words to Joshua become real to you as journey these next 366 days (leap year).

God gives the formula for success. I define success as being faithful to God’s call on your life. It will be revealed step by step.