What Husbands Should Know – Reasons - 1 Peter 3:7
June 23, 2023, 8:08 AM

"Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered."KJV

Bible calls the woman a weaker vessel. Certainly, most men are physically stronger than women, but cultures and countries respond to women differently. The Bible acknowledges we are equal at the foot of the cross. Galatians is clear that in Christ there is neither slave nor free, male nor female, Jew or Gentile. We are all created in the image of God.

But that does not mean the Lord has given us the same gifts, talents, and abilities as individuals as men and women. The Holy Spirit gives Spiritual gifts as He wills, for periods of time according to God’s purposes.

The context relates to how one is to influence others for the sake of Christ, whether a saved slave, a wife, or a husband. As a father and husband, we have responsibility to God to bring our family under the admonishment of Jesus. There are many women who become the spiritual leaders in their home because the husband is not saved or is living in rebellion against God and His truth, but as I read the Bible, the man is held accountable to God to lead his family and provide spiritual influence.

How do we live out the two principles of weakness and equality in gender relationships according to the Bible? Each believer is a child of God and there is no distinction. How one treats his wife affects his relationship with God. Prayers are hindered if the wife is not properly cared for and honored under God.

I saw how two couples in my church lived out their marriages. The first was in their late 20’s with three children. The wife had injured her back and was limited in many physical activities. She became somewhat demanding of her mate. Her husband grew frustrated and bitter. He was going to divorce his wife because he felt she was becoming a burden and preventing him from participating in personal activities.

The second couple were in their seventies. The wife had a stroke and the husband tenderly cared for her. She was mostly paralyzed and needed to be fed and clothed. When she returned home, he learned to cook, to bathe and dress her. The bright part of the day was when he could get her to write and speak a word. He learned through the years to continue in perseverance.

The older couple gave themselves to the Lord and each other and their love became a testimony to the whole church. They knew what Jesus meant when He said it is more blessed to give than receive. The younger couple looked only what they could get out of the relationship.

Application: Is the purpose of marriage to seek to meet our selfish needs? When there are gender power struggles in a relationship, how does that honor God or witness to the sacrifice of Jesus for us? How are people to know the love of Jesus for His church and the importance of commitment, respect, and mutual submission?

Prayer:  Lord, rather than demanding my rights, help me to submit to the unique responsibilities in my marriage before you, that You may be glorified in love and service.